Saturday, 25 February 2017


Auchi Polytechnic strike Continues.. As information regarding the strike is been prolong day after day week after week. The Mega Grace global news team spoke with the students Union government SUG Auchi polytechnic Auchi Edo state Nigeria, and report came that they have invited the minister of education and has promised to look into the issue next week with some of the school management. The strike has affected business and other activities in the community, while some market women and bike riders embarked on a peaceful protest within the community places. Mean while Mr president # Prince E. Onyedika president of the Mega Grace Record Breakers Prayer Network Int'l has organized some group prayer on behalf of the  School and he has advised all the school to continue praying as we wait on God for a Divine intervention. With God all things are possible and Auchi polytechnic strick will be over Forever in Jesus name..

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