Thursday, 2 February 2017


Child of God, it is prayer time. 
1. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now feed any witchcraft agent in my family, paternal, maternal with their own flesh, let them drink their own blood.
2. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now give any witchcraft agent in my family a gift of miscarrying womb and a dry breast in Jesus mighty name. (Hosea 9:14).
3. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now any witchcraft meeting where my name is being mentioned, fie of God answer for me. (Isaiah8:9,54:15).
4.My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now any witch or wizard sponsoring my suffering i sponsor your burial (Exdos18:22)
5.My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now every oath or vow binding me and my family to failure, setback, frustration, blood of Jesus break them by fire(Num.30:13) 
6.My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now ,I withdraw my dignity from witchcraft manipulations.
7. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now according to Psalm68:1 arise fo me and let witches and wizards be scattered by fire.
8. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now every forceful witchcraft command that i am ignorantly obeying, by fire, restore my spiritual sanity.
9. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now scatter the coven in my fathers house.
10. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now every spell fire at me, by fire i fire back.
11. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now you are strength in my weakness.
12. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now every witchcraft taken from my fathers side or from my mothers side expire by fire.
13. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now withdraw my name from the list of witchcraft target by fire.
14. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now by thunder, any coven meeting called for my sake, i give them fire.
15. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now eliminate all witchcraft deposits in me by fire.
16. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now as i being to pray, every witchcraft programme for my life, i deprogrammed the programme. 
17. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now , scatter the coven in my mothers house
18. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now as i being to pray, terminate the effect of foundational witchcraft in my family.
19. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now any blessing of my life tempered with the witchcraft be restored now by 
20. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now any evil ever done to me by witchcraft powers, let them recover 100% judgment fro heaven.
21. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now any witch or wizard using my photograph for incantations, back fire and by fire.
22. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now let the plan of witchcraft against my life run contrary to their expectations by fire.
23. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now teach witchcraft a lesson of judgment through my life.
24. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now turn the sorrow that the witches planned for me into joy.
25. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now turn the day time of the coven into darkness.
26. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now let the mercy of Jesus be withdrawn from the witches after my life.
27. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now judge them in anger that conspire against my job in the coven.
28. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now judge them in the coven that says 'no' to the 'yes' of my destiny.
29.My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now restore my wasted years, snatched by witchcraft operations.
30. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now disappoint the strategies of witchcraft operation in my life.
31. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now anything that represents me in the coven be scattered by fire.
32. My father, my father, O God that answers prayers. as i pray now give witchcraft a public disgrace because of me.

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