NO1: it is an annual programme done by Omega Fire Ministries to pray for a successful year ending.
NO2: It is anchored by The Restoration Apostle Himself.
NO3: It is known as Amazing Grace, But its theme is from Glory To Glory..Thus,it is a program set to lunch us above a usual Grace into an Unusual Glory..
NO4: It is not for the Headquarter Church alone. It is an International Program that hosts millions of people around the world. Hence, it is piloted by an outstanding anointing.
NO5: It is done just Once in a year. You wouldn't want to miss this opportuned gathering.
NO6: A song that has same name; known as....."🎶Amazing Grace,how sweet the sound🎶"......was what led to the Salvation of the Restoration Apostle. Hence; It is a Program borne out of a Genuine Spirit and an outstanding Mandate.
NO7: The Location. The Program is hosted in a Location where cost of Living is not high. Thus; You are tend not to be left stranded.
NO8: The Accommodation. You obviously would get affordable hotels around to stay all through the course of the Program.
NO9: If you have longed to see The Restoration Apostle LIVE.. Not "watch" LIVE,I mean "See" Him LIVE.It is a "Oh" Opportunity for you ofcourse. Apostle Prof Johnson Suleman is one of the Most sort-after Prophet in the World at Large..Known for His uniqueness.
NO 10: You are exposed to a word depth,you witness an outstanding manifestation. ..and you will definitely contact an Evidential Unction.
NO 11: It is a Program that millions of people all over the world always long for. And it is a Program that The Restoration Apostle always pray specially towards as He has an undying desire to see Millions of people soaring in an uncommon Glory.
NO 12: Its a Program you would honestly don't want to miss..
It is organized in the 12month of the year..... to give you rest on all sides.
Venue: The International worship Center Omega Fire Ministries Intl..Km132 Benin-Okene/Abuja Express way Auchi
Edo state. Nigeria.
Date: Decembet 6th-8th 2017.
Time:3:00 pm.
Make plans to attend..
Come with great expectation.
You are moving from Glory to Glory.
For online live broadcast visit
Like our Facebook page @ Mega Grace international OR Prince E. Onyedika. Better still stay connected here during the service for pdf link broadcast.
Wow! Indeed it's going to be amazing Grace