Thursday, 1 February 2018


Away from the Confessions and Revelations, one key thing we should all learn in the end of this saga is that THE TEST OF YOUR CHRISTIANITY IS FORGIVING THE UNPARDONABLE AND LOVING OTHERS EVEN WHEN IT ISN'T CONVENIENT.
This is what we saw Live as God's Anointed Servant, Dr. (Mrs.) Lizzy Johnson Suleman demonstrated when she had to openly Forgive Miss Stephanie Otobo.
She also admonished her to "Totally surrender her life to Christ, dedicating her being to Him and trusting that even her desires and passion will be fulfilled in Christ"
It was an emotional moment, but what we saw wasn't drama, it is practical Christianity that gave life lessons that no sermon can surpass.
On her part, Ms. Otobo apologised to God's Servant Apostle Suleman, his wife; Dr. Lizzy, his family, the Church and the Body of Christ for allowing herself to be used as a tool against The Church of The Lord.
Dr.(Mrs.) Suleman later prayed and blessed her.
We hope that we all continue to live our lives according to the precepts of God's instructions as entrenched in the Bible and as exemplified by Christ Jesus in His earthly ministry.
Here is God's Word for us all; "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you".
Ephesians 4 vs. 31 - 32.
To God be the Glory!!!

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