Saturday, 6 May 2017


Money is good. God made man but man made money and can answer all things.

Money has power.. Money can stop disgrace and shame. To get money is not by do or die afair..

Lack of money is  bad and love of money is bad also. (3 John 1:2)

What is wealth and what is money? Wealth is the sum total of all your availability without debt.

How consistent are you on your works now? Is equal to what you will make in time to come.
✅ there is nobody in life that is not having money, more than enough including students.

Every money that enters your hand is not for spending but budget it for your Future. (stop buying what to don't need). Stop wasting money else money will soon disappoint you.

Differentiate between wants and needs. JOB MEANS (JUST OVER BROKE) what gives money is not certificate or background.

Every business owners must take a Risk.. You must take a risk of starting small. You must also take a risk of allowing people to laugh at you  but with time they will come to laugh with you..

Every business should have a class and package it. Three area you must become Rich..
✅ through your Job
✅ through Works.
✅ through Business. Self business or partnership business.

If you must make it in life you need OPT. OPE and OPM
✅OPT means other people's talents.
✅ OPE means other people's experience.
✅ OPM means other people's Money.
Above all you need God and God alone.

✅Father open my eyes to see that which you  want me to do in life in Jesus name.
✅ my father my father as I begin to pray open my eyes to see where you are taking me to and help me to get there in time in Jesus name

PDF extracted by Mega Grace Int'l
(Changing lives and changing destinies)

©Prince E. Onyedika.

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