Saturday, 6 May 2017


“One of the big secrets of my life I want to share with you – all these crusades you see me doing around the world such as in Singapore, Indonesia, Mexico, Peru etc. – I pay most of the money. We don’t control the Holy Spirit! When I am there, I want to be free. I want to sleep at the time the Spirit wants me to sleep. I want to pray for who the Holy Spirit wants me to pray for. Don’t pay and then start bringing your brother, sister or cousin for prayer. If you pay for the stadium for me, you will collect money from big businessmen that are sick – they will be the ones you arrange in front, telling me, “Pray for this one, Man of God – he is the one who paid seventy percent of the money”. God cannot support such an arrangement. You are telling me to come out at 8am when the Spirit of God said I can come out at 10am. So, I pay for the stadium. My accommodation – I don’t let them know where I am going to lodge. After the crusade, you can know where I am living but before the crusade, I will not allow you.
“I want to be at peace with myself. I will enter your country with money and I will go out of the country and not take your money out – it is a rule and regulation because the grace is not for sale. I will make sure I cut my coat according to my size. If I know I am short of money, I will leave. The offering during the crusade – I said I don’t want to do anything with it. The organisers will talk about the offering.
“My joy is to see people healed; my joy is to see people delivered; my joy is to see people blessed. That is my money. Each person that is delivered is more than $20,000 to me! That is the money God gives me - the joy to sleep in peace. You need to know what it means if God uses you to heal and deliver people. If you know what it means, you will want to heal/ deliver people all the time. If you know what it means – the joy in God using you to deliver people – you will never ask the people you deliver to bring money. Even if they want to give you, you will beg them not to destroy your life.
“If you know what it means for God to use you to set someone free from their problems – it’s more than a trillion dollars. If you know what it is to set people free – don’t wait for the person to say, ‘Thank you’. God has given me something more than thank you. There is nothing more than being given the grace to set people free. People that are in pain – God gives you the grace to remove that pain. Which millionaire? If God uses you to remove the pain of one, you are more than a millionaire. You believe your reward is money – no! If money is your gain, you are robbing yourself. That money is insufficient – it cannot give you peace. Money cannot buy you peace. If money could give you peace, many of you would not be here today. That is why you just see me at Ikotun-Egbe. From Ikotun-Egbe – look at the glory of God!”

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Mega Grace Int'l
(Changing lives and changing destinies)

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