Tuesday 13 December 2016

God's Oracle Apostle PRO. Johnson Suleman warned against MMM.

Founder of the Omega Fire Ministry, Apostle Johnson Suleman has described popular Russian ponzi scheme, MMM as demonic.
Suleman denounced the scheme which has attracted heated debates on the Nigerian social media scene in one of his sermons recently.
Excerpts of the sermon which was published on Instagram by @Kintoncod showed the clergy man dressed in white suit, telling his congregation that any of them involved in the MMM ponzi scheme should come forward for deliverance.
The pastor said, “If you are involved in MMM, you are demonic,” “It is satanic, go and check the founder of mmm, he was a fraudster in America… defrauded people. And that’s what you are involving yourself in and you are a Christian, looking for easy way out.

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