Monday 26 June 2017


( RUTH 1:11-18).
Our Basic Scripture today talks about someone who refused to give up pursuing her goals because of barriers. She is Ruth Naomi. Her Mother-in-Law discouraged her, tradition discouraged her, her past life events like her being a widow as a young lady discouraged her; and maybe friends discouraged her too, she just refused to give up!
In this world of harsh end time trials, anyone can give up! Please always remember that nobody ever travels the road to greatness and success, without one or two ‘tyre’ punctures. To expect life to be very perfect and fashioned to your exact desire and taste leads to deadly frustration!
I re-echo again: One of the most common success principles ever preached is just 3 words: Never Give Up! The disgraced and impeached American President, the late Richard Nixon, wrote that: “A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits.” Please, in this second quarter of 2017, like Ruth, refuse to quit. For her ruggedness, God gave her the privilege of being the grandmother of Jesus Christ. The battles of life come like floods sometimes, but never quit! Cry if you must, fast if you must, lose your sleep if you must, but never ever give up because “I can’t” is the conclusion of fools.
Use today’s meditation to ounce your life and ministry back again. Always repeat to yourself and remind the devil: “A Knock down is not a Knock out.” A man called Clareth Booth said: “There are no hopeless situations, there are only men/women who have grown hopeless about them.” Margaret Thatcher, popular ex-Prime Minister of Britain said, “You may have to fight a battle more than once, to win it.”
Please always remember your grandmother Ruth! If you don’t give up, I see a miracle happening concerning that mountain! An EVIDENCE that will make you so UNCOMMON shall locate you in Jesus Christ name. I am also being told now that something great and positive will happen to you that will make men to scream aloud: “There is God! There is God!! Indeed, There is God!!!” Amen and amen!
Sow the NEXT “Our Daily Manna” (ODM) as a seed into the life of a soul/family. Help them win the battles of the remaining HALF of this year! HEAVEN at last!

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: through the love of God
1. Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led!
2. Bind the arrows of discouragement/depression!
3. I quench every strange fire caused by evil tongues working against me in Jesus Christ name (Pray it till you have peace to stop).
4. Lord, give me an EVIDENCE that will cancel every debate and question in my life in Jesus Christ name.
5. Pray that every enemy of your life and ministry will end up in shame. Pray about today as led!

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